пятница, 12 августа 2011 г.

Wouxun protocol information


File written by SP5GOF using information reverse-engineered by SQ5LWN.

Communication parameters are 9600 8n1, with flow control disabled.

After you connect, you must send: "HiWOUXUN" (without quotes and null)
and 0x02. Radio will acknowledge by sending back: 0x06. After that you
send 0x02, radio acknowledges with 0x06 and sends back it's ID string
(6 bytes, "KG669V") and 0xF8. We're not sure what 0xF8 means - maybe
some kind of software revision or similar?

After this handshake you can download (read) and upload (write) memory
pages by sending 4-byte commands:

1 byte: command
2 bytes: address (little endian)
1 byte: size

For reading, use command 'R' and size 0x40. For writing, use command 'W'
and size 0x10. After write command send 16 (0x10) bytes in raw binary.

After you send write command, radio will acknowledge it with ACK byte

After you send read command, radio will acknowledge it by re-sending your
command string back to you with command reversed, so 'R' becomes 'W'.
After this 64 (0x40) bytes of raw binary data will follow. After receiving
you must send ACK (0x06) byte and radio will reply with 0x06 byte.

Wouxun memory map can be found on SQ5LWN page:

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